The Champaign County News from Champaign, Illinois (2024)

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Champaign, Illinois

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NEWS saTI'HDAV APRIL 1 JS1 1 the pro NEWS OF THE WEEK CREAM TELEGRAPH RETURNED Prof Samuels years upwards of 82U0OU00 through this relief fund by posts: anil this by no means shows the full distribution as personal aid as donations by Relief Corps Ladies of the Grand Army of the Kepublic Sons of Veterans etc arc not of course included In addition let me call your attention to what that grand auxiliary of ours the Woman's Relief Corps is doing Hy reading a little of the address of Mrs Knowles president of the department of Massachusetts before the National encampment in Boston last fall one can get a much better idea of the work and the spirit in which it is done than 1 can give She says: in the dark hours of the rebellion the Grand Army stood shoulder to shoulder so we the members of the Belief Corps stand shoulder to shoulder and pledge ourselves anew in renewed loyalty and devotion to you and your representatives We would like iu as patrimony from your father of the Revolution But for your happy future my words are the words of Win Pullen Bryant So live that when thy summoiir comes to join i The innumerable caravan hich move To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber iu the silent halls of death go not like the galley slave at night Scourged to his dungeon but sustained und soothed By au unfaltering trust approach thy grave Like one who raps the drapery of his About him aud lies down to pleasant dreams Sous of Veterans your future must be largely what you make it There is a magic power in the clash of arms and all hearts turn warmly toward a military hero But he who cax command and commands well a fegiment of one is greater hero than the general of an array of soldiers To do this you must have inspiration For this inspiration where will you go? Will you go to the sparkling glass? Yes it gives inspiration But it does so at the sacrifice of your manhood Will you get it from the fumes of tobacco? It gives in return solace and forgetfulness but not buoyancy of spirit We are throwing large responsibilities upon your shoulders Are you ready or must we wait till you are older? We cannot wait Commerce will not furl her sail or shut off steam navigation will not cast anchor Agriculture will not linger in the lap of spring Electricity will not cease to obey the mandates of the modern Franklin thut you may linger on the borders of a prosperous future You have much yet to do you have new machinery to make and put in place You cannot use implements the veterans used We shall not 1 permitted to watch you in your future greatness however much we may long to he there who nays God does not count All our longings as some deed When high aspiration mounts From our souls to heaven The seed Of good acts though sown In thought Dare we say thev come to nought Who can tell? Who can tell if earnestly Long we dream son glorious dream grand deeds and wish to be A the hero of our theme That our longings do not bring Nearer us the living spring? Who can tell? Who cun tell While swayed in soul By the grandeur of some thought Under its divine control We in heart the deed have wrought For the moment surely we Are the thing we wish to he Who can tell? 1 fi 4 II Humming With proper deliberation these gentlemen revised and gave final shape to the onginal constitution regulations and ritual and finally gave to the order tin name of the Grand Array of the Kepublic Acting as provisional commander of the department of Illinois Dr Stephenson on the 6th day of April 1 866 precisely twenty-five years ago to-day established at Decatur Post No I department of Illinois Grand Army of the Republic In doing what he did just a quarter of a century since it may be truly said that Dr Stephenson Iietter than lie as from that act and from that small beginning sprang the Grand Army of to-day with its more than 7000 posts and nearly aOOOOO members Springfield the home of Abraham Lincoln and a city where from a clerk's desk in Adjutant General office I Grant started on one of the most remarkable and cessful military careers of modern times is entitled to the additional honor of being tin home of the founder of the Grand Army of the Kepublic I first met Dr Stephenson in the summer of 1868 He was then about 40 of age and apparently in the prime of mature vigorous manhood He was rather short in stature and quite inclined to corpulency His hair was shockey and his beard shaggy he wore a black slouch hat and wvs dressed very plainly lie had a broad high forehead a kindly eye and his manner while somewhat reserved was pleasing and at times cordial Ileal-wavs carried a cane and tin first time I met him he this over his left forearm while with his right hand he greeted me with a cordial handshake From time to time during the summer and fall of 1868 I met Dr Stephenson on the streets of Spring-field upon which with the help of his cane hr waddled rather than walked A little later he removed from the capital city and I saw him no more On the 30th day of August 1871 five years after founding our order and at a time when it gave little or no promise of gntnnTbr usefulness Dr Stephenson died and was buried at Kock Creek near Petersburg 111 Eleven years later on the 29th of August 1882 under the auspices of Estel Post A he was re-buried with fitting honors at Petersburg in the beautiful cemetery of Hose Hill In these ceremonies Comrade illy of our post but formerly a member of Estel Post had the good fortune to participate I regret that my limited acquaintance with Dr Stephenson deters me from giving more concerning his character and personality from my own knowledge He was universally regarded as a man of ability strict integrity and generous qualities of heart Of him his life long friend Col Matheney said Stephenson was a man in its highest and greatest sense true to his friends and true to his country A kinder heart never beat in a human breast and his whole life was characterized by an utter unselfishness lie was a patriot simple and pure and his devotion to the great cause of freedom was absolutely )ptician Of Quincy III has returned Champaign and Is stopping for it short time at th- CARTER HOUSE ROOM 1 And offers those who are suffering from Weak und Defective sight his Improved Crystal Glass Spectacles Read the Following Evidence From well known citizens of this city hich speaks for itself: I take pleasure in recommending Prof Samuels to people needing their eyes examined and glasses fitted for correction vision Respectfully Pe arman I) To the Prune: 1 take great pleasure in recommending Prof II Samuels who has recently come to our city to those who are so unfortunate as to need glasses for their eyes as a thorough optician Persons selecting glasses for themselves often make mistakes and although their eye may be aided for a time in tlu end the eyes liecome fatigued which can never take place by the use of glasses scientifically adjusted Respectfully Yours II Howard I) the six contestant to ooinplot scribed limit THEtWnof Schultz A llosea wholesale hardware dealers at St Joseph Mo failed for $170000 The three children of Arthur Ritchie of Rice Lake Wis broke through the ice on Birch lake and were drowned In Bartholomew and adjoining counties in Indiana several persons and many head of stock have been bitten by mad dogs In St Louis the work of inclosing and securing the grave of Gen Sherman has been completed and the military guard around the tomb would be withdrawn Developments prove that Alexander Snyder an old citizen of Goshen Ind thought to have been murdered by tramps was attacked in his sleep hy rats The captain of the steamer Earle Kinsley from Hiawa which arrived at San Francisco reported that in northern China there had been a severe flood and that over 10000 people had been drowned At Pluttsville Col two children were fatally burned by the explosion of a can of kerosene which they were using to start a tire At White Oaks two women committed suicide by shooting themselves with the same revolver They belonged to wealthy families and left a note saying: is sweet and we prefer it to life" George Harris who killed his wife at Caldwell () was sentenced to a life term in the state penitentiary Lorenzo Crounz ex-congressman from Nebraska has accepted tlu position of assistant secretary of the treasury to succeed Gen Ratclieller of New York In Britt la dozens of cattle horses and hogs were dying of hydrophobia A mud dog run amuck in that vicinity several weeks ago The Colorado legislature has adjourned sine die The death of Gen Lucius Gartrell occurred at Atlanta Ga He was at one time a member of the United States congress and also of the confederate congress Daniel Fowie governor of North Carolina died suddenly at his home in Raleigh of heart failure There were five candidates for mayor at the municipal election in Chicago Hempstead Washburne the republican nominee probably being the victor by a plurality of over 1500 Finney was elected justice of the supreme court in Wisconsin He was he independent candidate nominated by lawyers In Michigan the republicans carried the state in the recent election hy about 5000 majority electing the justice of the supreme court and two regents of the state university FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE The English newspapers in commenting on Australia's action in declaring that colony a commonwealth said that it was the first step toward a declaration of independence By an explosion in a coal mine at Staffordshire Eng ten persons were killed and others injured Exrorts from Hamburg to America for the first quarter of 1891 have increased JM0000JJ over the same period in 1890 Last year the amount of silver exported from Mexico was $8000000 and the amount coined $28v000()00 Germ any has it is said definitely decided to withdraw the embargo on American pork any native chieftains in India were said to be organizing for a concerted effort to throw off the yoke of British dominion From the wheat districts of Europe reports all agree in indicating a short crop During January and February emigrants leaving Germany for America numbered 7645 the largest number for that period in five years In London it was reported that Parnell had been privately married since the O'Shea divorce proceedings and nut to Mrs O'Shea Latest reports from the Chilian n-surrection indicate thut the revolution ists were rapidly gaining ground The Bulmaceda array was being recruited from the prisons LATER William Brooks a pi neer of SejTiiO'r Ind now past 8) years of age and very hearty has cut almost au entire new of teeth within the last few weeks Took McGowan A Co grocers and cotton fact t- at Memphis Tenn have fa i 11 for $126728 The most valuable cargo of coffee ever In-ought to this country arrived at nsisted of 23328 hags Baltimore I Important Events in All Part of the World Carefully Collected and Arranged III a Most Condensed Form for llusy Readers FROM WASHINGTON Thk closing session of the international American monetary commission which organized in Washington last January was held und it was decided that the fixing of a ratio between gold and silver und the adoption of a common monetary unit did not seem ut present feasible Thk business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 3d numbered 243 against 256 the preceding week and 206 for the corresponding week last year Thk treasury department has paid the direct tax claims of New Jersey $382-014 and of Ohio $1432035 It was announced that no law had ever been passed by congress making1 the violation of a treaty a punishable offense Tin: exchanges at the leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 4th aggregated $890819981 against $870055369 the previous week As compared with the corresponding week of 1890 the decrease amounted to 109 In the United States the visible supply of grain on the Oth was: Wheat 32483910 bushels corn 2601333 bushels: oats 2513337 bushels THE EAST Tiie mother of the two Nicely boys hanged at Somerset Pa for the murder of Farmer Umbcrgcr has become a raving maniac Thk Pennsylvania Construction Company and the Columbia Iron Steel Company of Union town la made assignments with total liabilities of SL-OOO 000 During March 42767 immigrants arrived at New York or 13343 more than in March 1889 Italy leads the list with 7869 In Boston and other New England cities a heavy gale did great damage Thk legislature of Maine has adjourned sine die At Lowell Mass fire started by careless boys caused a loss of 8100000 Near Kingston Italian quarry laborers after adopting denunciatory resolutions concerning the New Orleans lynching hoisted an American flag und then riddled it with bullets The quarry owners discharged the foreigners In the Massachusetts legislature a canvass of the republican members on the presidential question shows that Blaine is the first choice of 104 Harrison of 24 Sherman of 0 Heed of 5 and Alger of 2 In Philadelphia the suit of Long against the Pennsylvania railroad to recover for a trunk lost in the flood was decided against him The judge said the trunk was lost through the results of act of An explosion wrecked the government powder mills at Buceo and John Harlom Thomas Rogers George Thompson and Harry Thompson were blown to atoms Fifty persons were injured some fatally In a fire at Rochester Pa nine Italians were burned to death At Lancaster Pa Edwin berm an a lumber dealer has assigned with liabilities of about $000000 Harvard and Yale have completed arrangements for a series of annual athletic contests this year's meeting to be at New Haven Conn May 10 At 6:22 on the evening of the 7th Phincas Barnum the great showman died at his home in Bridgeport Conn after an illness of twenty-one weeks aged 81 years lie left an estate valued at $10000031 An explosion in a Hungarian boarding house at Braddock Pa burned eleven men four fatally After a service of twenty-five years Senator George Edmunds of Vermont has resigned from the United States senate Thk Methodist conference of New York has decided overwhelmingly that women shall not he admitted to the general conference Tiik new mayor of Philadelphia gives the police department ten days to get out of politics or out of the city's employ WEST AND SOUTH The superintendent of the census has made public the result of a special count hy races of the state of California us follows: White 1111558 colored 1 1458 Chinese 71681 Japanese 1999 Indians 11555 total brief manner as possible to give you a little statistics They arc dry but they arc interesting To-day we number 102322 members of the relief corps in the National organization Amount of relief in the national fund $9433504 whole amount expended in the seven years of our existence for our relief 8248lioti8ti: turned over to posts $126-16867 making a total of $37500840 We are proud to be your auxiliary and to know that the privilege that allows us to wear this little bronze badge is our loyalty alone We do not claim membership in the Relief Corps because we arc the wives of com rades or daughters or sisters of soldiers but for our loyalty 1 the cause for which these men fought nd we shall still continue commander to show by our work for you and yojirs and by our willingness to help sustain and care for the widow and orphans and helpless ones of those men who rallied at the call of Abraham Lincoln and went forth for the salvation of our flag and our liberties" The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Kepublic another organization having the same general work at heart but fewer in numbers an as truly an outgrowth of the Grand Army and are doing good work: also the Sons of eter-ans a sc our offspring The beautiful custom of observing May Hoth (now a legal holiday) to honor our fallen comrades by strewing flowers on their last resting places with appmpriut si rvi es so familiar to us is an outgrowth of this order established in 1868 and regarded hy us as a part of the sacred loving service we owe to them Thirty years ago this month when most of us were hoys the alarm of war was sounded the call to arms was given Nobly did the loyal heart of the North respond For more than four long years the bitter struggle lasted Peace was declared The old flag again floated all over this broad land 1 have not the time or ability nor is there any need that 1 should undertake to review this hitter struggle so familiar to all of us so vivid in our minds some of the marks of which we will carry to our graves The Grand Array of the Republic seeks through this order to perpetuate the memory and history of this struggle and to instil in the hearts of the rising generation th same loyalty and love for the old flag that their fathers had It was a member of this order whose name for the time has escaped rny memory who conceived the idea of presenting a flag to every school as a means of patriotic education which has to some extent been carried out Past National Commander Alger in his address said he noticed with pride and pleasure as he traveled over the untrv til he saw many of these flags floating from the school houses and he hoped the time would come when tin American flag would he seen floating from every place of learning in the land I have attempted to state in a few words what the Grand Army of the Republic is and is doing Permit me to state in still fewer words what the (jrand Army of the Kepublic is not It is not a political organization or machine in any sense whatever It is not an organized hand of beggars seeking to suck away the very life blood from the government treasury We ask our own no more We ask that the promises made to us In fulfilled no more Since the warour Nation has doubled in population and thribhled in wealth we only ask that the defenders und saviors be remembered in their declining years with a small service pension no more 4 Jy CELEBRATION MONDAY ObMrvmH'e bjr Col Nixlliie lot Cham- IiimmI Mulr Able Aldree ii I Other Interest I himI Appropriate Kierrluvi There was a large attendance at A hall in Champaign on Monday evening to itness and participate jn the observance of the 23th anniversary of the Grant Array of the Republic The exercises opened with the Cry of Freedom" the grand chorus being led by Borden who conducted the chorus singing throughout the evening and acquitted himself in a manner to in the applause of every one present Commander A I Cunningham read the commander-in-chiefs circular letter regarding the celebration this anniversary Rev Burleigh delivered a thoughtful and affecting prayer A Kimball sang the solo in 'Hi rough Georgia" greatly to the pleasure of all who heard him The grand swelling strains of had hardly died away when the assemblage reluctantly dispersed Three very excellent addresses were delivered by members of the post during the evening which we print in full be law: The Grand Army It Origin It Founder BY lilt JOHNSON The human mind is so constituted that the contemplation of sin unusually interesting or valuable piece of workmanship at once gives rise to the inquiry: What brain conceived and what hand gave form to so rare sin example of man's handiwork What is true of the material structure is no less true of the social organization if with the Might of years as it grows in power for good it interweaves into the warp and woof of it- history something of the personality of-many individuals with careers marked by unusual experiences Such an organization is the Grand Army of the Kepublic to which nearly one-half million of the Nation's defenders have sworn allegiance and underlying which are three such foundation-stones as Fraternity Charity and Loyalty What more natural then than the question: the fertile brain whose the generous heart that gave conception and inspiration to an order so remarkable in the character of its membership and so philanthropic and patriotic in its porposes or in other words was the founder of the Grand Army of the Kepublic?" 1 answer Benjamin Stephenson a native of Illinois born in Wayne county Oct HO 1 In 123 when the future I)r Stephenson was hut three years of age his parents removed to Sangamon county within whose boundaries was later located the capital of our great commonwealth The new home of the Stephensons was in a prairie wilderness whose vastness was only oeeasionally interrupted by a forest-fringed creek that wandered hither and thither in search of a larger stream in which to empty its dark sluggish current In the edge of the timber along these water-courses at Intervals often miles and miles apart could he seen the smoke of the pioneer eabin: the only encroach men on the home of the deer the prairie wolf the wild cat and the yet wilder red In close contact with nature young Stephenson grew strong in body and vigorous iu mind amidst the hardships and privations of this wild frontier: and well may we believe that breathing its pure air and viewing its almost boundless expanse of landscape early inspired in him that love of liberty and desire Kir the fullest equality between mau and man for which in later years he was noted Following closely oil the footsteps of the tirst pioneers was the log school house with its puncheon floor rude benches and wide clay-und-stick fireplace Within its walls was taught the winter school and its curriculum of study began with spelling book and the Bihhvand elided with the English reader Kike's arithmetic and grammar Meagre as were these educational advantages it was through them that young Stephenson obtained the foundation of an English education Hut limited opportunities could not long hamper the mental progress of a man of intellectual vigor and in due time we find him at Mount Pleasant Iowa a student of medicine in the office of his brother Dr Win Stephenson Enter he graduated iu medicine from Kush Medical college Chicago lie at once took high rank in his profession and in 1856 was offered the chair of anatomy in a medical college at Keokuk Iowa This position he accepted but two years later resigned to resume general practice Aftertbe breaking out of the war of the rebellion he became surgeon of the Hth Illinois infantry with the rank of I major: of this regiment Senator-elect i John Kalmcr was the original colonel Shiloh was this I first engagement and in this bloody battle it lost nearly one-half of its rank and file in killed and wounded Later the regiment participated in the siege of Corinth the Vicksburg campaign I the Atlanta campaign Sherman's march to the sen his advance through South and North Carolina and finally in the grand review at Washington After the war Dr Stephenson made his home at Springfield 111 and I have it tn good authority that it was in this city early in 1 at the office of the late Colonel James 1 1 Matheney under whom for three years it was my good fortune to serve in the Moth Illinois infantry that the scheme for organ iz- itig the Grand Army of the Kepublic first tisik definite shape I To Colonel Matheney and several tl other veteran soldiers Dr teihenstn of A LEADING EDUCATOR CiiamI'aign i Sept 28 1888 I take great pleasure in testifying to the great skill of Professor Samuels as an optician My eyes have troubled me for the past six months I sought relief but found none until he fitted my eyes with glasses 1 have tested them thoroughly and am entirely satisfied that the professor ran do what he promises to 1 Those needing glasses have now the opportunity of consulting an eminent optician Moork a Mi'AiGN III Octobers 1888 To thk Public: If a word of com mendation from me will he of any assistance to those who are afflicted with defective sight I have no hesitancy in adding inv name to the many who have so highly testified to the ability of Pro- a fessor Samuels as an optician I have put him to severe tests by bringing him eases that were considered very difficult hy Chicago oculists and now the patients can see by his method as well as ever RkI'LoGIK MD A REJ ARKAHIK CASK A strange story of eyesight come from Ion As all wonderful things occur at some other place than that in which you reside so did this also: but this was so near at hand that a Time reporter was sent Tolono on Tuesday learn if the report were true It was as it hud been reported John Newell a carpenter was tin person sought out and he told the story Some two years ago he Kidd his hoy Francis ten years old while attending school was sent home with a note from the teacher informing his parents that th child's eyesight was so defective that he could not see study This was the first intimation of the kind that the parents had had and the eyes were closely examined Nothing uncommon was to he observed except that the pupils appeared to be larger than usual ri he boy however complained that his eyes pained him I I parents became uneasy led their should become totally blind The physicians of tlu village were physicians and oculists and Mr well and his wife began to think of sending the hoy to Chicago for treatment II gradually grew worse until at last he could not distinguish a penknife at distance of two feet und this dimness of vision demanded immediate action if tin parents wished their son to retain his eyesight This was a little over a year ago One of the home dc-tors was consulted and he recommended that Francis he taken to Prof Samuels who was then shipping lit Champaign for a few weeks The professor had the reputation of a scientific optician said the physician and it were possible the boy might he benefited if given the advantage tin professor's superior skill and vast experience No time was lost it may assumed in placing the child in I rof hands The great optician examined the eyes of the youthful patient 'I he examination satisfied the professor that it was a very serious case The lamps of tlu soul from some unknown cause wen burning out VETERANS ON PARADE Old Soldier March Before Admiring Th nisaiid at Decatur More A It Official History Dkcatuii 111 April 9 Fifteen thousand veterans relief corps Sons of veterans and sight-seers thronged the streets of Decatur and crowded hotels ami boarding houses Wednesday It was tin big day of the silver anniversary of the Grand Army of the Republic at the birthplace of the order The parade took place in the afternoon There were 2500 veterans in line including Gen Veazey commander in chief and staff: Department Com mander Distin and staff Gov Fifer and staff the six surviving charter members of old Post 1 Chaplain Lozier John Snyder John Phelps and John A Lightfoot of Bloomington the first assistant adjutant general aged 77 There were visiting comrades present from Missouri Wisconsin Pennsylvania and Ohio departments Lusty cheering was heard along the gayly decorated streets and us the brass and martial bands played army tunes the old soldiers acted as they did in 1865 when they came marching home At night there were two camp fires one in a pavilion tent where Cora-m inder Distin Oglesby Gen Veazey Gen Marden Chaplain Lozier Gov Fifer and others delivered addresses The Relief Corps delegates had a camp tire in the opera house In the forenoon the organization of the state convention of the Relief Corps was effected Mrs I) A Leaverton department president in tlu chair In seven years the department has paid out 819028 in charitable work The convention has 567 members Rockford will probably secure the 92 encampment an I Thomas Fullerton will probably be the next commander In the competitive drill Wednesday afternoon the Decatur camp Sons of Veterans defeated tlu Springfield camp for a purse of $50 Members of Gen first staff prepared the following official letter on the origin of the Grand army and presented it to Commander Veazey Wednesday: (' 'MHVUKW VEAZRY ('nMMASI)KH IN Cmikp guano Aiimy ok thk Buena a Sir: The undersign ii make tin following stit' inent of the origin of th Grand Army of the 'public: Dr Stephenson wan the originator of he idea ID made the lirit draft of the ritual The ritual was rewritten and perfected hy Col John Snyder John Phelps and Maj Robert Maun YV-oil in February Capt Phelps brought iif manuscript to Decatur und bad the ritual pr nt Meanwhile Dr Stephenson appointed the following staff: Gen Webber A Captain John Phelps A Col John Snyder Capt John A Lightfoot At Adjt Gen and Maj Robert Woods Adjt Gen Maj Robert Woods wrou the declaration of principles constitution charter ete anil had them printed at Springfield Commander Stephenson sent the original constitution ritual etc tu peeatur for revision where Capt Kunan George Dunning VV Kouth and others revised them and returned them to Springfield where they were again revised by Command! Stephenson and staff and made he permanent chart of the Grand Army of the Republic The name Army' a suggested by Dr Stephenson himself and the ords of the were added at the suggestion of Capt Kan an No I was organized with Kanan commander and George Steele adjutant They were granted the number because of their u-sistunee in getting up the organization The post wa organized by Dr Stephenson assisted by Capt John Phelps Neither of the members of the stuff has any knowledge of any connection of Chaplain Rutledge with the original organization Col Nebber and Capt John Phelps organized the posts in Illinois an 1 Maj WmhIs was detailed to organize state departments onferenci arranging details of organi- was as attended by Lieut Col 'Ed' Iirut Col Flood Coi George Maj A A North Dr James Hamilton apt we 01 John Snyder IT Allei The Graml Army Wind It In Now BY HAKWoOl) You have heard and you knew' it before that this order is founded on the great principles of Fraternity Charity and Loyalty Fraternity means brotherhood: charity means love: then brotherly love with loyalty to each other and the country we helped to save is in brief what the Grand Army of the Republic is to-day As in those dark days when we stood shoulder to shoulder in the thick of the fight on the weary dusty march or in the trenches enduring common hardships we cared for our dead wounded sick and dying comrades as best we could: so in these last days when the war is over and the struggle of lift is upon us we go marching on to the grave carrying with us scars disease and broken constitutions and one by one fall by the way we seek through this brotherhood to care in a measure for the sick and needy comrades and their widows and orphans who otherwise in the language of our ritual be left to the charities of an unfriendly world" From the little hand who organized in Decatur twenty-five years ago we have grown to nearly five hundred thousand in numbers Illinois has I posts ith about 325oo members Through the persistent efforts of this organization there have been built comfort a ble homes when tin more unfortunate can have the comforts of life and the care they need in their declining years free of charge For instance our own and Home at Quincy Illinois when 1200 of our comrades are being to-day caret 1 for provided with good beds food clothes medical attendance a free library and readily: room Here they enjoy most of th comforts of life: and as several of them have told me they have nearly all that is necessary except their fami- Lies and friends This home was secured only after earnest persistent efforts through this order: and its management i now can- fully enquired into every year by a committee of our comrades appointed by the department commander Com- 1 radc Langley was chairman of this com- I mittee for years Not long ago you hud tlie pleasure of hearing from Indian of Jelferson- rnj 11 Future BE KlHIKY tnnoyed just now that prepared with a mnnu-e gentlemen who have But I get some corn-thought that my repu- was near- employed was found de tiers at 1208130 Gkohof Justice the last southern Indiana died at ville aged 60 years Mrs Luchbtia Nk hols aged years died at Decatur III Am over northern Alabama snow fell on the 5th It was the first April snow in that vicinity in over forty years The death was announced of A II Walker founder of St Johns Mich at the age of 89 years A levee broke in Mississippi and flooded portions of the counties of Issa-queena Sharkey and South Washington doing great damage At Minicr 111 three men named Shoup Wood and Peterson were arrested ou a charge of counterfeiting iekels Flames swept away business property valued at 8150 00J at Memphis Tenn At Owensvilh Ind Dr Bird had loth his eves destroyed by the explosion of a bottle of medicine he was shaking up David Davis an old man who murdered his aged wife at Leavenworth Kan was sentenced to one year's confinement in the penitentiary at the end of which time he is to he hanged worth 6121 Til town nf Tobias Neb lv wiped out by fir i vid Da I- a Ietectivr in hunting it ih stills murdered near Va Byres lumber Lancaster Pa have failed for $191009 GiLVrTRr a well-known Iowa farmer died sullenly at Davenport while in a office giving instructions regarding his will Two unknown men were seen to capsize in a boat on trie Mississippi river at Davenport Ja nitro-glycerine work at Petrolia Gut blew up and three workmen were blown to fragm nts The championship season of the American association has clubs opened on the 8th Russki Khbet who took an active part in the formation of tlu republican party and served three rins in eongres died at his home in Pittsburgh Pa aged 74 years 1 he loss the oyster beds near New Orleans caused hy the crevasse at Ames' plantation will reach S5UUUU0 Thk United States treasurer lias paid the governor of Tennessee the direct tax claims of the state amounting to $592000 -f the richest gold found in the dominion has le ervd at Mannosn tint Tin firm of Levi Brothers oriental waiv in London The Graml BY 5KO I am feeling i I have not come script as did th preceded me pensation in the tation for truthfulness will not he called in question if while I play the roll of seer I say some things not found in the books I do not know whether Von expert me to speak of the political the social or the )Hronal future of the A or each and all I must reason politically from the past However much we dislike even the thought of war the histories of the Nations of the earth clearly prove to us it has ever been a part of tin providence of God to use war as a means to make to reform and to sustain even enlightened Nations I think our beloved country is not an exception The land marks the monuments are eminently conspicuous as testimonials to the fact To-day we cannot think of Hunker Hill of Valley Forge or Yorktown without there comes to us the feeling thst we should magnify the providence that has made possible this glorious union with her sivt million freemen Pol it iea an I socially 1 think 1 can set the import hi our last war ii not only making strong keen the North niii' in regard to he or-tmiington he being appointed visit What he said you 1 not speak further Coiurade Brownlee plum's home in Ble one of a emmitte that institution ill recall si i the matter These are some fruits of tic Grand Other States have institutions Went the throne that has able station principally in one of tin state si mi lai bchin i favr the fruit- rmy of hi a same or the power ill! sod muel te and and hoi tug Near Cleveland went the bottom Lake i neor: ilurrv rs for np-t Erie and William Ihrffiev lie of ii of In- ib mt Tie I tl Tin de rKth iN ser.

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Article information

Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5939

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.