The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

HENDERSONVILLE ROLLS 61-34 to gain a berth in the finals opposite the winner of the Two Rivers-Antioch game scheduled for 7 o'clock tonight. "We expected the slowdown, and I be surprised to see it again maybe even Saturday night," said Cameron coach Ron Lawson whose Panthers play the winner of By JEFF HANNA CAMERON was bedeviled for 16 minutes by Hume-Fogg's slowdown offense, but the Panthers' scrambling zone press and Ken Cooper's offensive explosion took care of the Blue Devils 58-31 in 17th District play last night. IN THE GIRLS' game Donelson's hosting Donettes zipped past Mt. Juliet 72-42 i due blocked 16 shots and pulled down nine rebounds. Mt.

Juliet's Anita Carter led the Bearettes with 20 while Phyllis Majors chipped in 20. Cameron 14 7 22 155?" Hume-F09q 6 7 7 1131 Cameron Beard 2, Cooper 16, Vauqhn 16, Jackman 9, Edmondson 5, Knisrit 7, Brooks 3. Hume-Fogg Jordan 4, Hassell 5, Ford 14, Smith 4, Caruthers 2, White 2. GIRLS "Donelson 16 18 22 1672 Mount Juliet 8 10 12-42 Donelson Bowden 31, Hopkins 21, Williams 14, McCormick 2, Burger 2, Hendricks 2, Fads Pardue Kyle g. Mt.

Juliet-Carler 20, Majors 18, Saddler 2, Baken 2, Baird Johnson Graves g. Donelson's Janet Bowden scored 31 points as the Donettes dominated their game with Mt. Juliet. "WE DON'T CARE who we have to beat next," said Donelson coach Gloria Gregory. "We're not proud." Barbara Hawkins got 21 points by hitting seven of 11 field goal attempts and a perfect five for five at the charity stripe.

All together the Donettes hit 52 from the field (30 of 57) and 93 at the line (12 of 13). Patti Par- Goostree also had a big hand in limiting Cumberland's Diane Carney, the NIL's leading scorer, to 21 points, eight below her average. HENDERSONVILLE had little trouble with Pantherettes and its win set up a big showdown with Stratford at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the girls' championship game. All-NIL forward Debbie McCoin hit 11 of 18 from the floor and ended with 25 points.

Senior Diane Beasley bucketed 20 while sophom*ore Karen Graves added 11. It was the 100th career victory for Lady Commando Coach Julie Rollins, who is winding up her fourth year in the NIL. Her last year's team finished third in the state, Maplewood's scoring came mostly from Linda Baskette who got 25 of her team's 34 total. Raymond Johnson Becomes "Ambassador of Good Will' CHATTANOOGA Chattanooga, on behalf of its citizens, conferred on Raymond Johnson, retired sports editor of THE NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN, yesterday the commission of "Ambassador of Good Will." The presentation was made by the City Parks and Recreation Commissioner Steve Conrad on behalf of acting Mayor S. Dean Petersen at the Southern Golden Gloves luncheon attended by approximately 100 representatives from Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama as well as local civic leaders.

The key to the city also went with the presentation. Johnson ran the Golden Gloves for 34 years before the TENNESSEAN dropped the tournament after the 1964 meet. vS fesl htm id M-iJ 111 the Two Rivers-Ryan game, slated for 8:30 tonight in the finals Saturday. The Panthers outscored Hume-Fogg 14-6 in the first quarter, but Billy Escue's well-prepared Blue Devils crept to within a single point, 14-13, with 2:10 remaining in the second quarter. CAMERON SCORED the next seven points while holding Hume-Fogg scoreless and took a 21-13 lead into the intermission.

The third quarter was Hume-Fogg's undoing, though, as Cameron caused numerous turnovers and Cooper, who is known for his defensive prowess, found the range on his long, arching jump shots to get 13 of the Panthers' 22 points in the quarter. "Ken played an outstanding game. He deserves a lot of credit," said Lawson. "He's often overlooked, but he's been doing a great job for us. "I think our press got to them, and we picked up the tempo of the game with it.

Everybody talks about David Vaughn's presence under the basket in our defense but all those other guys are awfully quick," Lawson added. Cooper finished with 16 points as did Vaughn. IN THE LOSER'S dressing room Escue had nothing but praise for his Blue Devils and rightly so. "I'm real proud of the boys, and I think they're proud of themselves," he said. "They've done a tremendous job under the conditions they've had.

I think we would have been all right in that second quarter if we'd taken the good shot." Flyers Bounce Saem Rehs 6-4 HOUSTON, Tex. Nashville's Dixie Flyers copped a regular season Eastern Hockey League match from the Salem Rebels with a 6 to 4 victory here last night. Karl Haggerty scored three goals for Nashville. A crowd of 4.679 watched the game, making a total of 10,735 who saw the Flyers' two games here. JiriR Ef Mh ani Infer" By TOM SQUIRES STRATFORD'S girls used a 19-0 blitz during the fourth quarter to roar from behind and belt Cumberland 56-42 in 19th District tournament semifinal action last night at Municipal Auditorium.

HENDERSONVILLE, which tied with the Spartanettes for the regular-season title and won the top seed by a flip of the coin, also vaulted into the finals with an easy 61-34 victory over Maplewood. In 20th District action also at the Auditorium, Gallatin and Portland gained girls' finals spots as the Green Wave polished off White House 40-28 and the Pantherettes downed Springfield 41-30. Stratford was down 38-33 it Cage Middle Tennesse Frosh 75, Motlow State Frosh 73. Middlt Tennessee Stat 66, UT Martin 39 Tournaments DISTRICT 1 Sullivan Central 26, Lynn View 23 Kingsport i5, Bristol 4 DISTRICT Boone's Creek 53, Eliiabethton 51 Johnson City 61, Unaka 60, overtime DISTRICT 3 Chuckey Doak 55, South Greene 54 Morriitown West 74, Bulls Gap 49 DISTRICT 4 Sevier County 47, Newport 45 Jefferson 71, Maury 37 DISTRICT 5 Knox Austin-East 53, Pulton 37 DISTRICT 7 Knox Carter 49, Clinton 30 DISTRICT Coalfield 56, Warfburs 47 Oneida 77, LaFollette 63 Jellico 73, Wynn 61 DISTRICT 9 Dayton 56, Lenoir City 55 DISTRICT 19 Cleveland 45, Charleston 36 McMinn County At, Copper Basin 42 DISTRICT 13 York 40, Livingston 35, semifinals York 40, Livingston 35 Red Boiling Springs 51, York 41, girls Sparta 74, Baxter 48, semifinals DISTRICT 15 Lawrenceburg 55, Pulaski 49, girls, championship Perry County 77, Elktcn 73, consolation DISTRICT 16 Shelbyville 57, Fayetteville 47, girls Shelbyville 57, Flintville 43, consolation Fayetteville 69, Franklin County 51, championship DISTRICT 17 Donelson 72, Mount Juliet 42, girls Cameron 58, Hume Fogg 31 DISTRICT 18 Hillsboro 55, Hillwood 42, girls Overton 45, Lipscomb 35, girls Hillsboo 67. Hillwnod 61, overtime MBA 62, Pearl 59 DISTRICTS 19 AND 20 Hendersonville 61, Maplewood 34, girls Gallatin 40, White House 28, girls Stratford 56, Cumber'and 42, girls Portland 41, Springfield 30 DISTRICT 21 Montgomery Central 42, Dover 41, BOATS SALES and SERVICE JiioMmlland 1815 GALLATIN N.

(at Two Mile Pike, Madison) PH. 865-8611 Outboard Slaughters Win In Badminton Never since the Maraviches dominated Baton Rouge has there been such a father-sibling combination as the one that dominated the city bad minton championships at the Jewish community Center. Between Duane Slaughter and his college age daughter, Diane, they captured all five divisional championships as well as one second place trophy. Ironically, though the father-daughter duo split up in the mixed doubles, with Duane teaming with Trish Hodgson to whip his daughter and Clay Whitelaw 17-16, 12-15, 15-19, the best match of the championships. MEN'S SINGLES Duane Slaughter beat Clay Wtiltelaw 15-6, 9-15, 15-2; Dee Baker beat Roger Sharp 15-9, 150, consolation.

LADIES SINGLES Diane Slaughter beat Trish Hodgson 11-6, 11-9; Margaret Foster beat Peggy Roberts 11-5, 11-4, consolation. MEN'S DOUBLES Duane Slaughter-Bill Bradshaw beat Rudy Saperstein-Dee Baker 1815, 15-4; Ted Martin-Dan Collier beat Roger Sharp-Gary Davil 15-3, 15-7, consolidation. LADIES CONSOLIDATION Diane Slaughter-Trish Hodgson Ann Ouncan-Ora Kay Thedford 15-3; Elsie Irlinger-Judy Duzak Margaret-Foster-Janet Tedrick beat 15-6 beat 15-4, 15 3, conso'idation. UJXED DOUBLES Dull, Siaughter-Trish Hodgson beat Clav whitelawDiane Slaughter 17-16, 12-15, 15-9; Roger Sharo-Ann Duncan beat Ernie Matthews-Dede Brown 15-9, 17-14. Tonight's Schedule DISTRICT 13 AT COOKEVILLE vs.

Sparta (58.9), girls vs. Baxter (7-7) vs. Red Boiling Springs, girls vs. Sparta DISTRICT 17 AT DONELSON (54 3) TWO RIVERS RIVERS (12) vs. Ryan DISTRICT 1 30 AT AUDITORIUM 5:00 GALLATIN (5.) VJ.

While Hoose (50 2) Madl- 30-Portland (71.2) vs. SPRING-FIELD (78 2) (W.5) vs. East (83.7) DISTRICT li AT WEST 5:00 Hllwocd vs. Lioscomlj, girls vs. Pearl 7:30 Hillsboro vs.

Overton, girls vs. MBA DISTRICT 21 AT CUNNINGHAM 4:0 White Blull vs. Dickson 7:30 Dickson (83.0) vs. Waverly (75 9), girls vs. Northwest DISTRICT 22 AT COLUMBIA 7:00 Columbia (63.1) vs.

Culleoke (67. SI, girls vs. BGA Gun City U.S.A. Indoor Firing llante 254-8608 573 MURFREESBORO RD. JACKSON ELECTRONICS 4722-A Nolensville Road Phone 833-1086 JERRY JACKSON Owner Operator PARTS 1ND SERVICE FOR ALL MOTOROLA AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS Serine All Mates Photo by Fred Sheridan Hillsboro center Roger Hamby drives by Hillwood's Barry Bushy (43) on his way to a lay-up during the 18th District tournament at West Junior High.

Hillsboro won 67-61. MBA Upsets LEILA JONES and Millie Parrish found the range for 17 and 11, respectively, to pace the Gallatin victory Sherry Nash got all but four of White House's total output. Coach Pat Webb's crew now faces Portland for the District title after beating the Pantherettes twice during regular season. Pantherette forward Sandra Smallwood popped in 25 in last night's win while Bonnie Brooks hustled for 15 to pace the Lady Jackets. Four boys' semifinal games, two from each district, are set tonight.

In the 19th, Stratford and Madison meet at 6:15 with North battling East at 9- Gallatin plays White House (5 p.m.) and Portland takes on Springfield (7:30) in the 20th District contest. Portland SDringlield 13-41 12 3u Portland Smallwood 25, Dunbar 10, 6, Dillard Turner Ferguson g. ii-innfleld Brooks 15, Hester H. Anderson 2, Rawls 2, James, Powell miurphy g. Hendersonville AAaplewood 16 14 14 8 5 9 17-61 12-34 Hendersonville McCoin 25, Beasley 20, Gravesll, Burrus 1, Lorenz 4, Borum Saunders DeVasher g.

Maplewood Baskette 25, Walker 9, Richards 0, Crecilius g. Oean 9. Baldwin g. Gallatin White House 8 12 6 8 11-40 5-28 Gallatin Jones 17, Parrish 11, Snyder 5, Grizzle 7, Ligon Lang-ford Campbell g. While House Nash 24, Ellis 2, Nowlr 2, McMurtry g.

Roach Fann a. Slratford Cumberland 5 13 12 2356 6 15 15 642 Stratford Thompson 30, Butler 10, Bates 14, Cline 2, Goostree D. Thompson Carter g. Cumberland Carney 21, Feather-stone 4, Collier 8, Newborn 9. Feather-stone Bodenhammer Neal g.

All Name School Ted McClain Tennessee St. Ron Rippeloe David Lipscomb Joe Gaines Belmont Lloyd Neal Tennessee St. Ron Dorsey Tennessee St. Second Benny Proffitt Belmont Robert Moore Fisk Gary Bedwell Trevecca Nazarene Bruce Bowers David Lipscomb Bob Mathis Tennessee St. with less than a minute gone in the final period when the Spartanettes ripped off 19 straight points, 10 by Teresa Thompson who wound up with a sizzling 30.

THE FOURTH quarter ended 23-6 in Stratford's favor and Rita Bales and Emily Butler helped out in the overall scoring with 14 and 10 points, respectively. Coach Alice Amonette's crew finished the night with a blisetering 57.9 shooting percentage as Thompson canned 11 of 16 field goal attempts. They hit 22 of 38 as a team. The Spartanettes also outre-bounded the Indians 39-33 as fi-0 guard Robin Goostree, the League's Player of the Year this season, hauled in 19. Scores ik girls, consolaticn Clarksville 65, White Bluff 57, Semifinals Northwest clarksville) 63, Dickson 60, semifinals DISTRICT 22 Columbia 55, Centerville 48, semifinals Franklin 48, BGA 44, overtime, semifinals DISTRICT 29 Millington 64, Memphis Northside 63, overtime REGION 12 Union City 47, McKenzio 38 Dyersbura 68, Huntingdon 51 REGION 13 Bolivar Central 49, Jackson North-side 48, semifinals Lexngton 59, Jackson Merry 53, semifinals REGION 14 Ripley 58, Brownsville 56, semifinals Humboldt 62, Milan 61, semifinals CAC Washington U.

88, Sewanee 75, first round. Other Colleges Marquette 85, Fordham 80, overtime Manhattan 86, Connecticut 83 Southwest Louisiana 107, Northwest La. 104, overtime Southeast Missouri 109, Union 83 Florida State 74, Florida Southern 66 Pan American 100, Corpus Christi 85 New Mexico State 87, West Texas State 60 Colorado State 68, New Mexico 67 UT Chattanooga 67, UNC (Charlotte) 59 Marshall 101, Cleveland State 76 Shaw 88, Howard 84 North Carolina 117, Maryland 105 Guilford 105, Atlantic Christian 73 Elizabeth City 94, Virginia State 73 West Liberty 66, Glenville 53 Si. Louis 73, Wichita 72 Old Dominion 99, Ml. St.

Mary's 89 Syracuse 88, Rutgers 81, double overtime reorqe Washipqton 118, Richmond 101 Geneva 82, Slippery Rock 78 Houston 93, Lamar Te'h 74 Tulsa 94, Memphis State 91, double overtime Texas-El Paso 66, Wyoming 65 Professionals ABA Virginia 127, Carolina 114 Pittsburgh 127, Floridians 113 Utah 112, Indiana 109 Only games scheduled NBA No games scheduled Independents WERTHAN BAG Textile Mills 2, Multi-Wall 0, forfeit; Printinq and Finishinq 53, Office 30; Bag Mill 58, Support 11. BAPTIST 17 and under girls No. 2-Brentwocd 27 (Moore 19), Grace 26 (Carter 12); 17 and under girls No. 3 Goodletts-ville 19 (Downey 9), Lockeland 17 (K. Covingtcn 7); 14 and under Boys No.

2-Woodmont 27 (Noel 11), Belmont Heights 20 (Gribbins 8); 17 and under Boys-Liberty 34 (Brichers 12), Brentwood 30 (Jones 81. METRO City Road Methodist 49 (Riggins 17), Hermitage Church of Christ 48 (Butler 11); Madison Presbyterian 59 (Batey 18), Madison First Assembly 39 (Smith, Woody 12); Madison Church of Christ 54 (Pogue 24), Madison Nazarene 35 (Powers 10). EAST PARK Aladdin 72 (Bryant 17), Neuhoff 58 (Summers 25); Adhesive 2, Maryville Howe 0, forfeit; Avco 55 (Humphrey 23), Jim Reed 54 (Henderson 18). CENTENNIAL PARK West End 51 (Rankin 24), Community 32 (Donnels 9); Woodbine 77 (Brewer 23), First Southern 44 (Gaddes 17); LDS 44 (King 12), Calvary 42 (Barnes 15). WAfe, the age.

Ten is aged for at Jour years. c- tSTD (From First Barrick had 10 each as Hillsboro' only other double-figure scorers. Deadlocked 54-54 at the end of regulation play, an 11-point overtime effort by the Burros was the deciding factor in the outcome; Hillwood was able to account for only 7 markers in the extra period. "I FELT WE were capable of beating Pearl," exclaimed City it CENTERppg Mn J54 51t, far. 364 Height Class Average Hometown 6-3 Sr.

20.8 Nashville 6-3 Sr. 30.7 Nashville 6-8 Jr. 21.2 Mt. Pleasant 6-7 Jr. 23.4 Talbotton, Ga.

6-4 Sr. 15.4 Indianapolis Team Mon. and Fri. 8:30 A.M.-9 P.M. Other days 8:30 A.M.-5: 30 P.M ividaij, Saturday only! BLEMISHED GOLDEN FALCON WHITEWALLS AT GREAT SAVINGS 5-10 Jr.

15.3 Newport 6-4 Jr. 15.2 Nashville 6-1 So. 12.5 Greenbrier 6-1 Jr. 13.5 Nashville 6-6 Jr. 5.3 Tuskcgee, Ala.

HOW TO REC OGNIZE ANY SIZE LISTED A TRUE BOURBON Sports Page) a flushed and exhuberant Johnny Bennett following the MBA win, "but I'll admit I did have my uneasy moments." The uneasy moments the coach was referring to were almost three-fourths of the game; MBA controlled the lead for the first time, 46-45 with only five minutes to play. "The boys just hung in there; they never gave up for a minute," Bennett continued. That's the single big factor right Deadly shooting by the Big Red's Steve Armistead (24 points) and Mike Regan (15) contributed greatly to the MBA comeback. Bob Latimer, Fred Fisher, and Kyle Young a'so turned in vital plays, though none shot in double figures. PEARL.

WHICH saw its 23-10 first-quarter lead steadily deminish throughout the rest of the contest, was paced by David Offutt's 20 markers. John Buford found the basket for 17, and Bobby Hasting added 12. For Overton's girls, Paula Milligan had 17 points, Karen Cole 15, and Sherri Gentry, for the evenly-b a la offense. Angle Martin lead Lipscomb with 19. Hillsboro's Burroettes were propelled by a 23-point effort by Pam Brackman, with Tena Schwartz hitting for 16 and Jan Lee 12.

NANCY CHOPPIX was on target for 27 points for Hillwood. Tonight's boys finals, between MBA and Hillsboro, are set for 8:45. The girls' Hillsboro-Overton championship match is at 7:30. GIRLS Hillsboro Hillwood 14 6 15 6 20-55 8 16 1242 Hillsboro Brackman 23. Schwartz 16, Lee 12, Simpson 4, Buchl Lang-stAff Beazley g.

Hillwood Choopin 27, Terrv 7, Ross 8, Ross Avarbush Lassing g. Overton 12 Lipscomb 7 15 11 10 12 6-45 635 Overton Milligan 17, Karen 15, Gentry 14, Yoklev Harris 1, Hobbs 9. Lipscomb Martin 19, Thrasher 12, Beazlev 4, Smith Finto Ash-burn g. Hillsboro Hillwood 14 13 14 19 12 15 10 11 1167 761 Hillsboro Davidson 4, Rucker HamDy 22, Burton 15, Mvrlck 15. Hillwood-Dean 10, Barrick 10, Run.

Ion 21, T. Busbv 2, B. Busy 8, Dilling. rnm 2, Boerger 8. MBA Parl 10 23 14 16 2262 7 12 1759 MBA Fisher 9.

Regan 15, Armstead 24. Latimer 8, Young 4, Hlckerson 2 Penrl-Hasting 12, Offutt 20, Buford 17, Mitchell 4, Pace 6. Car Wash 2330 Franklin Rd. i 8.1 HIRAM "WALKER! (858 Consider the maker. The Hiram Walker Crest stands for a CStlLSb 1 1 3 year whiskey-making tradition.

mears tmid- Get it straight. This true bourbon is a straight bourbon. The Hound (From First Sports Page) 17 games. His 43 point performance against Southwestern this year was a school single game scoring record. His coach, Mike Clark, joined the Bisons this season and quickly recognized Rippetoe's talents.

"I watched him a couple of times and saw what he could do," Clark explained. "We had to cen'er our offense around Ron. It would have been an injustice to him to do any differently." GAIXES WAS A unanimous selection to the Volunteer State Athletic Conference AH-Star team as a junior. The 6-8 jumping jack led the Rebels in rebounding (18.7 average) and scoring (21.2 average) this season and his awesome defense keyed more than one Belmont victory. Neal.

who hails from Talbotton. came into his own at Tennessee State where he is atop the scoring and rebounding statistics. The perfect mate for McClain, Neal's inproved shooting and ferocious rebounding will undoubtedly earn him A I I -American honors. Dorsey is one of the strongest guards in college baskefbaU. He has played in McClain's shadow for four years but has been a definite complement to the Hound.

His arching jump shots and rebounding skills have made him a definite professional prospect. Hockey NATIONAL LEAGUE Minnesota 1. Toronto 1 Boston 8, Vancouver 3 St. Louis 3, Detroit Philadelphia 3. Buffalo 2 plus F.E.T.

from 1.76 to 2.9? and trade-in tire. If perfect would sell for $29 to $33 depending on tire size. WHITEWALLS ANY SIZE LISTED 6.50-13 7.35-14 8.25-14 8.55-14 7.00-13 8.75-14 9.00-15 7.7.5-15 8.25-15 8.55-15 9.15-15 8.85-14 A IA A 1V4 4UI 111 easy. Here's of oeuer j-j vy i rit whiskey imimmmwAYUVi yjrr2M Check High 1 Get it straight. the moment any bourbon the moment of appreciation for Ten High.

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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.